Monday, 23 May 2011

I really got in the mood to wriite about this because when it comes to emotions i always do my best in crying whether its me in the picture or someone else, i always have that moment alone when i just feel down for no reason i'd just put on some sad music and just imagine things to get all that madness tears out of me.. i really had to shout my guts out to get this after these tears ran out of me.. iv been having the worst 3 months of my life lately and faced the worst difficulties in life, sometimes you face things in life that just seem to leave a mark everywhere and everywhere you would go you'd just remember that horrible memory. i really don't find myself weird at all about the things i do when i cry sometimes i would put a camera in front of me and just talk to the camera as if its someone listening cause thats all you need someone to hear you. overtime i look at the pictures or videos i do feel bad but i always remember that what doesn't kill me makes me stronger.


Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Random captures

Emily Wilson


i took those 3 pictures 2 years ago with Ammar Shalsh.

Elissa in Doha

These are 5 pics of Elissa in the song festival here in Doha. concert was great but a bit boring because we had to hear the same songs she sing in every concert, I really hate that fact about her. She rearly changes her routine which makes her boring. that includes the dress and the hair style... all the same "typical Elissa". But yeah, in the end I still love her !!